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Community Service Worker – 6 Essential Skills

Posted by Dave Campbell

While knowledge, training and practice are vital to developing a career as a Community Service Worker, many of the most valuable skills needed you already have! These are traits that you have developed through your life and they can’t be taught in a classroom.


You are empathetic and able to offer care and understanding to others in your life.


Listening is one of your strengths. You are good at asking questions and understanding what your clients are saying.

Time Management

It sounds strange, but time management is essential for Community Service Workers. You will need to prioritize both your time and energy to help your clients in their diverse situations.


You are a rock in the storm, open and honest. This builds trust for your clients.

You are Patient

Being a Community Service Worker can be challenging or even frustrating at times. Your composure helps your clients with the serious issues they sometimes face.


Flexibility is key to being a successful CSW. When the unexpected happens you are able to adjust as needed.

You don’t need to have every one of these characteristics to be a successful Community Service Worker. But you will need to develop them as your career grows!

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