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5 Benefits of College Education

Posted by Maria Bassett

Choosing your career is one of the most important decisions of your life. Alongside this decision is another large choice: should you go to college? Some jobs require education, and some do not.

If you are unsure about how and where to start, even whether you should start, here are some great reasons to choose a college education.

  1. More Job Opportunities
    College grads see more job opportunities than non-grads, and more and more jobs everyday require some type of post-secondary education.
    An education also expands your network size and brings you the connections you need to find additional opportunities.

    Tip: make connections with those around you as much as you can! This includes advisors, support coaches, mentors, and other students. Never be afraid to reach out!

  2. More Employable Skills
    Employers these days are looking for transferable skills which translate to success in the workplace. These include: teamwork, reliability, time management, working under pressure. Additionally, many practical skills are taught through college, such as Word processing, Spreadsheets, and much more. In fact, even when you think you might not be learning a new skill, you probably are!

    Tip: there may be more ways than you think that your education may/will help you gain a greater set of employable skills.

  3. Preparation for a Specialized Career
    Is working in a medical office your dream? Have you always wanted to support your community but don’t have the credentials yet? Does graphic design excite you, but you are not sure about the latest tools?
    Many college diplomas are aimed towards specialized fields.

    Tip: think about your passion! And speak to an advisor today!

  4. Increased Marketability
    Did you know? When you look for and apply to jobs, you are marketing yourself to potential employers, just as they are marketing themselves to you!
    Marketing yourself is all about showing uniqueness and how your skills meet the current demand. With a diploma under your belt, you are showing potential employers just how skilled, committed, trained, and ready for the job you are! A college education is truly a competitive advantage.

    Tip: keep your resume up to date at all times, showing your potential employers just how much experience you have!

  5. Increased Earning Potential
    Last on this list, but definitely not least, college grads typically earn more than non-grads. The greater your level of education, the more your income will typically be.

Whether you are looking for career advancement, a better life, or a whole new career, there is an opportunity for you! It is a big choice, and a commitment, and in the end results in many rewards!

Take the next step and find out if a college education is for you.

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