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Do You Have The Right Personality For College?

Microsoft Word Certificate & Beginner, Advanced, And Expert Levels

Continuing Education Microsoft Word Classes – The Best Word Training Courses

Academy of Learning offers three Microsoft Word training levels for every one from pure beginners, to those needing an Word refresher, to those who need to upgrade their skills to an expert level. Each course includes everything you need for success.


Start your journey towards a new career today by requesting program details.

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Every level of our Microsoft Word course is available at the following campuses:

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AOLCC’s Integrated Learning System™

All courses in our programs are delivered through our unique Integrated Learning System™ (ILS). Through ILS, you will develop a true proficiency in each topic, no matter your age or skill level upon enrolment. Our learning coaches are with you every step of the way to provide individualized assistance and encouragement in a supportive and non-competitive learning environment.

Here’s how it works:

  • You only advance to the next course when you are confident that you have mastered one topic and are ready to move on to the next
  • You participate in hands-on exercises, tasks and practice exams that test your knowledge and give you confidence

Microsoft Word - Level 1

Begginer to Intermediate

In this course, you will learn to create, navigate, and organize documents and use the help functions.. Learn to edit and manipulate text, view and format documents, and use Word’s predefined functions. You will use the Find and Replace feature, use proofing and language tools, create, format and modify tables, work with hyperlinks and cross references, and learn how to preview and print a document. View PDF of Word Level 1 – Beginner to Intermediate.

  • Module 1: MS Word Files and Basic Skills

    Microsoft Word Overview; Starting and Exiting the Application; Examining Microsoft Word’s Interface; Creating and Saving Documents; Entering Text; Getting Help While You Work

  • Module 2: Finding Your Way Around Microsoft Word

    Viewing a Document; Working with Multiple Documents; Basic Document Navigation Techniques; Document Navigation using the Keyboard; Organizing a Document in Outline View; Managing and Protecting Documents; Using Document Properties

  • Module 3: Working with Text and Formatting

    Selecting Text; Inserting, Deleting, Moving, and Copying Text; Font Attributers and Formatting; Using Repeat Formatting and the Format Painter; Paragraph Formatting; More Paragraph Formatting; Working with Lists; Working with Tabs; Working with Indents; Using Special Text Effects

  • Module 4: Themes, Customizing and Columns in Word

    Controlling Page Options; Controlling More Page Options; Using Themes to Format a Document; Controlling Text Flow; Working with Columns

  • Module 5: Microsoft Word Tables

    Creating a Table; Converting Text to Table, and Table to Text; Modifying a Table; Merging and Splitting Cells and Tables; Performing Calculations in a Table; Sorting in a Table and Inserting Excel Data; Formatting a Table; Adding Table Borders and Shading; Inserting Table Page Breaks and Repeat Headings

  • Module 6: Find, Print, SpellCheck and More

    Check Spelling and Grammar feature; Language Tools; Hyphenation; Using Find and Replace; Hyperlinks; Previewing and Printing a Document; Printing Envelopes and Labels

Microsoft Word - Level 2

Intermediate to Advance

The Word – Level 2 course teaches you intermediate to advanced-level concepts and features of the Microsoft Word application. In this course, learn to use Word’s visual content features (SmartArt, WordArt, and charts) in a document. Insert, modify, and format pictures, clip art, text boxes, and shapes. You will also learn how to use section breaks, create a table of contents and index, use Quick Styles, templates, and customize Word. View PDF of Word Level 2 – Intermediate to Advanced.

  • Module 1: All about SmartArt in MS Word

    SmartArt Types and Layouts; Modifying a SmartArt Graphic; Formatting a SmartArt Graphic; Inserting and Modifying WordArt; Formatting WordArt; Adding Charts

  • Module 2: Microsoft Word Images and Textboxes

    Inserting and Modifying a Picture; Formatting a Picture; Inserting Clip Art; Modifying Clip Art; Drawing a Text Box; Working with the Text Box Gallery

  • Module 3: Breaking in Word (The good way!)

    Understanding Section Breaks; Section Formatting; Working with Other Section Elements; Using Quick Parts Fields in Sections; Working with Page Borders in Sections

  • Module 4: Understanding Tables of Contents

    Creating a Table of Contents (TOC); Creating a Customized TOC; Modifying and Formatting a TOC; Creating an Index; Using AutoMark to Generate an Index; Modifying and Formatting an Index

  • Module 5: Styles and Templates in MS Word

    Working with Quick Styles; Using the Styles Pane and Quick Style Sets; Using Templates; Creating a Custom Template; Modifying and Managing Templates

  • Module 6: Customizing in Word

    Modifying Document Properties; Creating Custom Themes; Creating Custom Building Blocks; Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar; Customizing the Word Environment; Customizing the Ribbon and the Status Bar

Microsoft Word - Level 3

Advanced to Expert

In this course you will learn to use mail merge, prepare documents for collaborating with others, and protect documents using passwords and digital signatures. Learn to use Word’s review features to track changes, compare, merge, and manage multiple document versions and revisions from multiple authors. Use bibliographic citations and sources in a document, create and modify bibliographies, incorporate bookmarks, footnotes and endnotes into a document, and generate a table of figures and authorities. You will also master creating forms for gathering and recording information and learn how to automate tasks using macros. View PDF of Word Level 3 – Advanced to Expert.

  • Module 1: Merging in Microsoft Word

    Understanding the Mail Merge Process; Setting Up the Main Document; Previewing and Completing the Merge; Merging Envelopes; Merging Labels

  • Module 2: Document Security and Sharing

    Restricting Access to a Document; Setting Editing and Formatting Restrictions; Using a Digital Signature; Adding a Visible Signature Line; Preparing a Document for Sharing; Sharing Documents with Others

  • Module 3: Tracking Your Work in Word

    Tracking Changes; Accepting and Rejecting Tracked Changes; Sending a Document for Review; Displaying Markup; Comparing and Combining Document Versions

  • Module 4: MS Word Citations

    Using Citations and Sources; Using Citation Placeholders and Managing Sources; Creating a Bibliography; Creating Cross-References

  • Module 5: Notes, Captions and Hyperlinks

    Using Bookmarks; Creating a Hyperlink to a Bookmark; Using Footnotes and Endnotes; Inserting a Caption; Creating a Table of Authorities; Creating a Table of Figures

  • Module 6: Forms from Word

    Creating an Electronic Form; Adding Style Options and Instructions to Forms; Protecting a Form; Creating a Printed Form

Each level of Microsoft Excel includes online/digital resources, interactive practice, remote access for safety, one-on-one Learning Coach assistance, and comprehensive textbooks. These courses are recognized across the province and country. They are also eligible for third party funding including Worksafe, insurance, employer, WorkBC organizations and many more.

Students accomplish the learning objectives for each module through a series of hands-on tasks, for which they are given step-by-step instructions and desired result checkpoints. The tasks provide ample opportunity for students to practice, apply, and develop the skills covered in the course.

A practice exercise and review questions are included at the end of each module to measure progress and reinforce the skills learned. There is also a lab exercise at the end of the course to provide further practice and review to reinforce the topics learned throughout the course, and to help prepare students for the exam.

Do You Have The Right Personality For College?

This quick and easy assessment will provide you with some insight into what to focus on and what you might need to watch out for to best prepare you for your new career and school goals!


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Explore the heartfelt testimonials from our satisfied students

Chantelle M

Office Clerk

"I came to AOLCC in September 2019 and I am glad I did. I came to here to better my education and enhance my skills. The staff are very friendly and help you whenever you need. I would highly recommend Academy of Learning because it is self-pace – you do it on your own time. Thank you AOL!!"

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Lori Germain

Medical & Social Services

"I chose to come attend AOLCC to further my education, to become self-sufficient, self-empowered and to get back into the work force doing what I truly love, to empower others suffering with addictions. I heard about the college from another student who enjoyed the school and her course. It was a good experience and I felt supported, always knowing there were coaches and help when I needed it. I was always supported and encouraged and I really enjoyed my time at AOLCC."

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Paula Hodgess

Medical & Social Services

"If and when I need extra training in any category, I will definitely be coming back to the Academy of Learning Career College. School has never come easy to me, but being here has been an excellent and very rewarding experience for me. Especially the support I received from Helen and Kyle, THEY ARE THE BEST!"

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Cathy Scheck

Administrative Assistant

"I was out of the country for 4 years and when I came back to Canada, I applied for some clerical positions with no luck. I found that most companies wanted certificates. That is when I came to AOLCC and with the help of the facilitators, I made the decision to enrol for the Administrative Assistant Diploma. I feel I learned a lot in every subject that I will take forward into a new career path."

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Tracy Gallup

Technology & Design

"Going to AOLCC has been a very good experience for me. The staff was informative and polite. Courses were taught very well and all my questions were answered. Thanks to the staff for everything."

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which diploma or certificate program will best suit me?

For general information, visit our Programs page to see what we offer. The individual program pages will give you more details about their objectives, program length, courses and much more. Our Admissions Representatives are also available to discuss program options with you.

A career college sounds great to me, but how will I afford it?

Our Admissions Representatives and campus staff can provide information regarding financing, financial aid and financial assistance for which you may qualify.

Will I be lost in a large class?

Never! Our Integrated Learning System™ (ILS) is designed to ensure that you proceed at your own pace, with qualified facilitators and instructors available for one-on-one assistance and guidance. At AOLCC, you will never be just another anonymous face in the crowd!

I am older than the typical student. Will I fit in?

Absolutely! We serve adult learners by creating a safe, comfortable and inclusive atmosphere where you can feel at ease while you learn.

Will I be able to handle the workload since I work part-time?

Yes! In fact, AOLCC’s scheduling is designed with part-time workers in mind. Our goal is to be flexible so you can achieve the right work/life balance.

Can I attend AOLCC if I do not have my high school diploma or GED?

Yes! We administer an entrance examination to ensure you can succeed at our campuses, and we provide assistance and guidance to make sure you continue to succeed!

Academy Of Learning Career Colleges

Kamloops Campus
Career Training

699 Victoria Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2B3
Phone: (250) 372-5429
Fax: (250) 372-5462

Kelowna Campus
Career Training

240A - 1640 Leckie Rd.
Kelowna, BC V1X 7C6
Phone: (250) 868-3688
Fax: (250) 868-3511

Nanaimo Campus
Career Training

1551 Estevan Rd #7,
Nanaimo, BC V9S 3Y3
Phone: (250) 753-4220
Fax: (250) 753-4295

Victoria - WestShore Campus
Career Training

#200-754 Goldstream Ave.
Victoria, BC V9B 5T2
Phone: 250-391-6020
Fax: (250) 391-6021

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